Saturday, July 10, 2010

Zucchini Soup Stock

Here is a great, extremely easy, way to use those extra hundred zucchini that always seem to grow huge overnight.
I take the larger ones and skin and take out most of the seeds first because sometimes the larger ones have tough skin; and the large seeds are not desirable to have in soup. If they are small; the dark green skin is not so tough so you can use the whole squash.
Dice up the squash and cook them in as little amount of water as you can until soft. You may add onions and other vegetables to the pot to boil with them if you so desire. ( I don't because I like to add the other vegetables to the soup in the whole.) When the squash is softened, take off the hot burner and let cool before you puree the whole mixture. After which you can either freeze the pureed soup stock or can it in quart jars. I have done both.
When it comes time to make your vegetable soup; use a quart of the stock as your starter broth. It is wonderful with either beef or chicken broth as well.
One bit of warning; it does color the broth a different color; but it is sooo good; who cares.
Experiment with it!

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